Ethosolution Categories
There are three primary categories that we classify ethosolutions into: Ideas, Products, and Organizations. Click on the header of each category below to be taken to the overview page for that category.
Ethosolution Ideas are the visionary concepts, world-changing ideas, and forward-thinking notions that are progressing and evolving us in the following areas: ecology, cooperation, sustainability, open source sharing, integrity, efficiency, collaboration, creativity, peace, love, fulfilled living, happiness, and empathy. To be an ethosolution they do this without compromising any of the other areas and thus demonstrate ideas that unquestionably benefit us all and make sense. If someone needs to ask if it is really and ethosolution, it probably isn’t.
If you have an idea that you know is an ethosolution, please contact us as we will be building and evolving an ethosolution idea archive and resource center from this page.
Products that unarguably demonstrate benefits for the individual, humanity, and the planet are products that can be considered ethosolutions. If you have or know of an ethosolution product, please contact us as we will be building and evolving an ethosolution product archive and resource center from this page.
Organizations that are conscious and conscientious in their business practices, values, mission, and desire for win relationships with each other, humanity, and our planet are ethosolutions. They are defined by integrity, transparency, and clearly forward-thinking goals with consideration for their actions and interrelationship and interdependence with all things.
If you are part of, or know of, an organization or business that you know is an ethosolution, please contact us as we will be building and evolving an ethosolution organization archive and resource center from this page.